Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Dream Act Goes Down in Flames

Falling short of the 60 votes needed to force cloture, the disatrous "Dream Act" thankfully went down to defeat. When are the Neocons in the White House and the Progressives in Congress going to get it through their heads that WE THE PEOPLE aren't going to stand for them giving special perks and privileges to aliens who are not in this Country legally?

Anyone who is not here legally needs to get out of the United States, and those who are trying to force the American people to swallow their shamnesty plans need to either be impeached or tried for treason.

Readers, be vigilant. Those wishing to sell our sovereignty and security for a burrito aren't going to give up- this bill (or some form of it) will rear it's ugly head again and again and again.

Gutless Republicans voting for Cloture:
Brownback (thank God this idiot dropped out of the Presidential race)
Craig (Guess he wasn't in the bathroom when the vote was taken)
Hutchinson (not surprised a neocon from Bush's home state voted for Cloture)
Martinez (don't blame me, I didn't vote for this idiot)

Hat's Off to the following Democrats for siding with the American people:

And of course the gutless Presidential wannabe from Arizona- John MCain- did not vote, nor did Tequila Ted Kennedy.

And of course, now all the pro-illegal Senators are on TV whining about how mean-spirited we are. But I say, score another one for the good guys.

I'm sure there's great sadness in the campaigns of the GOP's pro-shamnesty Presidential candidates- McCain, Giuliani, and Huckabee. Ain't that a shame.

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