Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Ron Paul- the Right Man at the Right Time for America

If you're currently a registered Republican and are concerned at all about the disastrous direction in which the Neocons in the GOP are leading this Country- and you should be- your concerns certainly won't be addressed by any of the so-called "top tier" GOP candidates:

  • Giuliani- Pro-Gun, Pro-Abortion on Demand, Pro- Amnesty;
  • Thompson- A Neocon through and through;
  • McCain- Architect of the Shamnesty Bill which would have rewarded illegal aliens for invading America;
  • Romney- a waffler in the mold of another Massachusetts liberal, John Kerry.

None of these four are a friend to traditional conservatives- Giuliani is an unabashed social progressive- and so was Romney until he decided to run for President. No one really knows where Thompson is coming from (we only certain that he "is not a churchgoer"), and McCain wanted to open the flood gates and allow tens of millions more across the border from Mexico.

No, none of these men are true friends of conservatism or, more importantly, the Constitution. If you truly believe in the principles you purport to, you need to take a look at a man who truly believes as you do- you need to take a serious look at Ron Paul.

See if you agree with the following statements:

"The right of an innocent, unborn child to life is at the heart of the American ideals of liberty."

"You have the right to protect your life, liberty, and property."

"We must drastically limit the ability of government to collect and store data regarding citizens’ personal matters."

"No amnesty. Estimates suggest that 10 to 20 million people are in our country illegally. That’s a lot of people to reward for breaking our laws."

"We must stop special interests from violating property rights and literally driving families from their homes, farms and ranches."

"We are nine trillion dollars in debt as a nation. Our mounting government debt endangers the financial future of our children and grandchildren. If we don’t cut spending now, higher taxes and economic disaster will be in their future — and yours."

Well, do you agree with those positions? Then you agree with Ron Paul. For Congressman Paul, constitutional, conservative and traditional values aren't something he merely plays lip service to- like you and I, he truly believes those things. With the corrupt behavior of so-called "values" candidates, isn't it past time that we elect a candidate who honestly believes the same way we do?

Do yourself a favor, and take the time to go to Ron Paul 2008 and look over his bio and positions on the issues that are facing America. Don't vote for a candidate you can't stomach just because you think he can beat the Democrat or that he's the lesser of the multitudinous evils- vote your principles, and get behind the Right man at the Right time for America- Congressman Ron Paul.

If you've read my previous posts, you'll know the Party affiliation shown on my Voter Registration card reads "CPF" (Constitution Party of Florida). In supporting Congressman Paul's efforts to secure the GOP nomination, I am of the same mind as the National Constitution Party concerning his candidacy:

The Constitution Party presidential candidate will be selected at its convention in the spring of 2008. We can’t say for sure what will be decided by the convention delegates, but as the party who puts principle above party loyalty, it seems that in the unlikely event that Doctor No is able to capture the Republican nomination, we would stand behind him 100%.

The dilemma we have is that we cannot sit around and wait to see what the Republicans are going to do but must build the ark that true Constitutionalists can find refuge on when it dawns on them that the Republican and Democrat parties will let them drown. To that end we must work to secure ballot access in all 50 states NOW and find a candidate who can carry our principles into a presidential campaign which will more than likely find a left-of-center candidate carrying the Republican mantle.

If the Grand Old Party does choose to return to its conservative ideals by supporting Congressman Paul, then there will be ample opportunity to throw our support behind him should our delegates so decide. If he does not win the GOP nomination we will have done much of the work to gain the ballot lines necessary to field a candidate who shares our values and who will govern constitutionally. That candidate could be Ron Paul should he decide to continue his race by seeking the Constitution Party nomination.

At this critical juncture in our history it is with firm hope we work toward the election of a true statesman who will seek to maintain the Founder’s vision in adherence to our great Constitution.

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